Consulting Arborists

Development & Construction

Pre-Purchase and Planning Inspection

Preliminary assessment prior to purchase to help prevent costly re-design at council submission. Development plans are not required at this stage

Identifies any potential restrictions relative to council regulations and vegetation overlay controls

Pre-Design Report (Stage 1)

Pre-design report to assist with development/building design

Assessment of trees and vegetation to support decision making processes with regards to tree retention and tree removal during the design phase

Report includes a basic summary with tree inventory and Tree Protection Zones (TPZ)

Development Impact Assessment Report (Stage 2)

Formal arboricultural assessment as required within Council Planning submission

Detailed assessment of trees on and surrounding the subject site that will be impacted by the proposed development

Report includes tree inventory with amenity and retention values, Tree Protection Zones (TPZ), recommendations on tree protection measures and possible construction methods to ensure successful tree retention where required


Tree Protection Management Plan (TPMP)

Required when demolition or construction activity encroaches a Tree Protection Zone (TPZ) on a significant tree, covering all phases from demolition, construction to post construction

TMP will contain protective measures to be undertaken and comprehensive management timelines for the duration of the project to minimise development impact on the nominated trees

Exploratory Excavation / Root Mapping / Air Spading

Investigating presence of underground tree roots to determine design and construction limitations

Recommendations to minimise root disturbance and impact to tree health

Project Arborist Services

Provides support and assistance across all stages of your project to ensure that council requirements in relation to tree protection and retention measures

Site inspections are often required at critical stages of development


Schools, Universities, Colleges, Golf Courses & Others


Tree Management Plan (TMP)

Arboricultural audit to identify and assess trees on the property

Provides an arboricultural audit of trees on site to assess general tree health and structure, tree protection zones, Useful Life Expectancies (ULE) and recommended timelines for pruning and remedial works

Recommendations on long term management strategies to maintain and improve existing tree health and successional planting

Formal Risk Assessment

Formal Risk Assessment documentation following the Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ) methodology from the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA)


Other Consulting Services


VCAT Appearance and Expert Witness Statement

Representation in civil matters, VCAT and legal disputes to provide expert witness statements in relation to arboricultural matters and disputes

Plant Identification

Identification of trees and vegetation on site for landscapers, gardeners, builders and architects