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Arborist wearing ear muffs and protective glasses, is drilling into a tree trunk at a school

At Tree Response, we are dedicated to ensuring the vitality and longevity of your trees through expert tree health management and services.

Tree Health Management

Ensure the long-term health of your trees by engaging our experts to build customised tree care plans to address specific issues while prioritising the overall health of your trees

Contact Tree Response if you are:
  • Concerned about dead, dying, diseased branches or trees
  • Seeking expert advice on how to manage tree health and safety
  • Concerned about pest or disease infestations on your trees
  • Wanting advice on tree selection and planting recommendations
  • Concerned about possum grazing
  • Looking for soil drenching or stem injection treatments

Pest & Disease Management

Trees are susceptible to infestations from a variety of pests and diseases that can affect the health and structure of your trees.

Tree Response can assist you with pest and disease identification and provide advice on the best management and treatment option.

Examples of some common pests found in Victoria include:

  • Elm Leaf beetle

  • Lerps/psyllid bugs

  • Caterpillars

  • Mites

  • Aphids

  • Scale

  • Gum Leaf Skeletoniser

  • Wood/Tree Borers

Examples of common fungal & bacterial infections:

  • Slime Flux (Bacterial wetwood)

  • Mildews & Blights

  • Cypress canker

  • Myrtle rust

  • Armillaria root rot (Honey Fungus)

A group of yellow fungi growing at the base of a tree trunk

Other Tree Services

Arborist using a rake to move soil into a hole where a new tree has just been planted
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